

一番欲しいものは、手に入らないもの。 人が最も恋しく思うのは、失ったものである。

some battered trees

We are beset by rains once again.  It's typhoon season and another big one has just hit us.  Actually, more than big, she was strong...and ravenous.  She flew in Wednesday morning and left havoc and debris in her insolent wake.  I feel lucky that we have a roof over our heads, a safe place to hunker down during these times.  We watched the wind whip the trees and the rain come down in slanted sheets while we were in our pajamas, dry behind our windows.  Little C’s eyes were round saucers as typhoons are very much new to her 4-year-old consciousness.

It wasn't just the trees that bore the brunt though.  The storm brought our electricity down as well.  Some of my friends have yet to get their power back.  Some even lost water.  And those of us whose lights are back still experience scheduled rotational power outages.  This is not even to mention those that have had homes and property damaged.  Once again we find ourselves with the task of rebuilding, picking up after yet another storm.

I am grateful our area remained relatively unscathed save for some battered trees and broken branches, and that we haven’t lost power for too long.  We don’t have a hoard of emergency supplies, but we do have our flashlights, extra batteries, water, and a few go-to pantry staples.  Some of which go into this dish.  Here’s a little something for a “rainy day”.


