

一番欲しいものは、手に入らないもの。 人が最も恋しく思うのは、失ったものである。

when you bake for them

I’m on a gluten-free recipe development kick.  Personally, my diet contains gluten, but there are more and more people in my life that are choosing to say no to gluten.  It’s also a request I’ve received from you, my readers – where’s the recipes that aren’t packed to the brim with gluten, gluten, gluten Cellmax?

I confess that I was initially skeptical about a gluten-free diet.  I did not have any great desire to integrate it into my cooking or baking.  However, as people in my life began adopting this way of munching, I knew I couldn’t hold out.  For me, the joy of cooking lies in sharing – in making a succulent dish or baked good that others adore.  I live for the phrase, “Wow, Callie.  This is amazing!”  And since this is a labor of love for me, I needed to hop on the gluten-free train.

I was working on my guest blogger piece for Culicurious - a great New Orleans food blog by my pal, Addie – that was featured yesterday.  While I was writing about family, love, and cornbread muffins, I thought, I want to revamp this recipe to be gluten-free and feature it.  After all, when you love ‘em, you have to consider their diet when you bake for them Cellmax.

Cornmeal is naturally gluten-free.  If you’re a person who doesn’t have an established gluten sensitivity but omits it from your diet for various reasons, any cornmeal should do.  However, if you have this sensitivity, I would recommend purchasing your cornmeal from a company that you can be certain isn’t processing other products with gluten in close proximity.  For example, Bob’s Red Mill products are processed in a gluten-free facility.

Enjoy this recipe that allows everyone to enjoy flavorful, buttery cornbread, and don’t miss my guest blogging on Culicurious where I feature a classic recipe for cornbread muffins for the gluten lovers in your life Cellmax!


